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Speed Boats

Boat Builders & Outboard Engine Manufactures

Motor Boat
Speed Boats


Removes the insurance affordability factor from the boat buying decision for those seeking boats with four, five, and six outboard enginges.

There is an inherent strategic partnership that should exist between boat builders, outboard engine manufacturers, and the AOBOpg which is a direct result of the mission of the AOBOpg which is to secure affordable insurance using the "purchasing power" of a Federal Risk Purchasing Group for the boat owners who own boats powered by four, five, and six outboard engines. 


Historically speaking and especially true in Florida, affordable boat insurance may not be available or difficult to obtain at best for outboard boats powered by four, five, and six outboard engines.  This basic fact makes a boat-buying decision dependent upon the ongoing cost of insurance which often resulted in a NO BUY decision which drastically affects the bottom line for many boat builders who specialize in the modern center console line of boats with multiple outboard engines.  


The AOBOpg has undertaken a nationwide project, currently underway, that will unite outboard boat owners as a group under a Federal Risk Purchasing with the mission objective to secure affordable insurance, as a Group, using the purchasing power of the group and the combined loss experience of the group members.  The purchasing power of the group is always superior to the purchasing power of any one individual and this is the foundation upon which the AOBOpg has been founded and funded.   

Motor Boat

Boat Builder

Engine Manufacturer

Insurance Purchasing Group

The synergy that works for everyone and most of all the Boat Buyers


120 Piper Blvd

Port Orange, FL 32128

Tel: 954-304-4956

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© 2023 by AOBOpg 

Financially Supported By; 

The American Boat Owners Safety Foundation - A Not-For-Pror-Profit Company

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